Town Pastors

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Ipswich Town Pastors phone:07722 857540 email:admin@ipswichtownpastors.org.uk
Ipswich Town Pastors is a member of Town Pastors
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What do we do?

Ipswich Town Pastors go out on the streets of Ipswich each Friday and Saturday night, looking out for people who may have drunk too much or have got themselves into difficulties or who are vulnerable.

Our main work is to keep people safe until help arrives, or get them to a taxi.

Who are we, then?

Town Pastors come from churches in and around Ipswich.  We seek to serve and to help wherever there is a need.  

Why do we do it?

It is our our faith and compassion that drive us!  We are non-judgemental and we do not push our faith, but we’re happy to give an account of ourselves when people ask.


Ipswich Town Pastors are recognised by the police, venue door staff and revelers as people who make a difference. We receive funding from public bodies who regard us as good value for money.